Friday, August 25, 2017


August 21, 2017


I hope all is well! It's a bit Rainey/Stormy over here in London! I Love the weather here so much!! This week has been hard and great! I Love the Hard, it makes me grow! So... because of last week and the scary and really harsh rejection I got with finding, as well as being spit on lol, I have found myself getting anxious and almost sick when we go out to find! It's like one of those bad food experiences! Where you eat something you think you're gonna love and then you get super super sick from it. And then later, just getting a glimpse of it makes you want to hurl! Ya, well that's what finding has been like for me!

On Thursday I realized that this fear was affecting my personality and who I was! I also realized that it was slowing the work of the Lord! I got super upset with myself and started to be really negative towards myself. "Really Annie, you're so afraid to go up to someone and try to give them PEACE, you're so selfish" "I'm letting down my savior" "What have I gotten myself into" These were the thoughts I was having, and I was tearing myself apart! 

Thursday night I came into my room and just collapsed onto my bed! Then my sweet Mommas voice came into my mind "We choose our happiness Annie, and All Good Comes from God" The thoughts and bad feelings I was having about myself were not from God, they were from the Deceiver. I got on my knees and accounted to the Lord. I let everything out to him!! My weaknesses, my strengths, my success, my failure, my goals, my pain... I told him I wouldn't give up, that I would give my best!!! In return, I got this..."PEACE be unto thy soul, for I will be there so be of glad cheer" This warmed my heart and I was at PEACE! 
The next day I reflected upon the words that were spoken to me... 
"Be of Glad Cheer" 

I decided to go out and take that advice! I was going to find/talk to EVERYONE that I passed, as well as put a smile on my face and be of glad cheer! So that's what I did! And I found PEACE! How can someone be filled with stressful thoughts when you have got a big cheesy grin on your face? I'll tell you right now, you can't! Things are just good:) And because of this, a miracle happened! My companion and I set the record for most found investigators for sisters in 1 hour in the Zone!!! We found 14 people in 1 hour to teach!! It was so awesome... it's CRAZY what a simple smile can do! Later that night I received a tender mercy from my Father in Heaven...

A woman from Poland came into the Visitor Center and wanted a tour. I took her a round and then showed her a video in the cinema. Afterward, we talked for quite awhile! She was the sweetest thing, and it was so nice to talk to someone who actually would listen and be gentle. She said "May I share my favorite poem with you? I don't know why, but just now I was impressed to share it with you" to my excitement and love of poetry I eagerly stated, "I would love that!"

"Smiling is infectious, 
you catch it like the flu,
When someone smiled at me today,
I started smiling too. 

I passed around the corner
and someone saw my grin. 
When he smiled I realized 
I'd passed it on to him.

I thought about that smile,
then I realized its worth.
A single smile, just like mine
could travel round the earth. 

So, if you feel a smile begin,
don't leave it undetected.
Lets start an epidemic quick, 
and get the world infected!''

This sweet little poem, from this sweet little lady, brought so much PEACE into my heart! I knew it was a tender mercy from God. It's amazing how we can take his advice (Be of Glad Cheer) and do as he says, and it changes our world for the better, and then to top it off he fulfills promises (I will be there) and gives blessings... for simply listening to him!! Such a Beautiful thing. I truly love him with all my heart, there is never a day that goes by where he is not there for me! 

I had another experience this week that I find interesting. I feel like the Lord has used me many times to help other Sister missionaries. 

 Since I first started my mission in the MTC I have had this experience. I have had many sisters come to me in tears expressing a hardship of some kind. I had this happen to me with several sisters in the MTC and now this past week I have had other sisters come to me! Some come to me and talk about personal problems and struggles, but most of them have come to me about how their companionship is really struggling, or they don't know how to deal with their companion. I hope this is because they can feel the genuine love I feel for them. 

This past week I had one of both... 
It was later in the evening and I was studying (my favorite thing to do), and a sister approached me, came into the room and shut the door, and just started crying.  I was a little surprised because I don't know her all that well, and I have only been out for 2 weeks! Anyway, I hugged her, tried to comfort her and loved her! Isn't that what we all need? LOVE? We had a very long conversation about how she was struggling with her companion and how she has been out for 16 months and feels that she hasn't changed at all. She even expressed to me how before she came out on her mission she was suicidal and took a bottle of pills. My heart broke. I sat and listened and just let her get it all out. When the tears started lightening up, I simply told her how amazing she was and that she needed to stop being so hard on herself, we talked back and forth for a long time. In conclusion, she just told me that she felt she could trust me and was thankful for me. I was grateful. 

The next night almost the same thing happened, but this time it happened to be her companion. She too expressed to me she was struggling with her companion, and how she bottles things up and burrie's them inside her. We talked back and forth, and I did my best to comfort her and solve the problem. She even told me that back home she saw a therapist every week. I shared my love for her her and tried to give her comfort. She still expressed she was struggling with her companion. So I tried what I had done in the past with another sister companionship. 

I pulled both of them into a room and had a very open and honest conversation. It lasted what felt like forever! I felt like a mediator, but eventually through pointing everything back to Christ and his attributes we got things figured out:) 

What I have realized from these experiences is that EVERYONE needs CHRISTS PEACE, even missionaries! I came on my mission to find those lost sheep, yet I feel like I have had more success helping sister missionaries then lost sheep. I'm so grateful these beautiful sisters put their trust in me. I pray I can be a trusted vessel for Jesus Christ and share the love he has for all of us! Everything and anything can be solved through Jesus Christ! He mends broken hearts, heals deep wounds, and he brings PEACE to all that call his name. 

Please Please Please, turn to HIM! This world can be a hard and lonely place, but at the end of the day we have each other and we have one perfect being who will never abandon us! I promise that when we keep Jesus Christ at the center of our lives we have true and lasting PEACE! I love you all dearly, even to the Moon and Back! Choose "Happiness" 

With Love, your AnnaBell 
P.S. Don't forget to smile 

Ha! Look at what I came across...see sign on far left
Victoria and Albert Museum

Loving P-Day
Wednesday, August 23, 2017


AUGUST 14, 2017
Morning my Loves, 

Not going to lie this week has been EXTREMELY hard...

I am amongst literally probably some of the wealthiest people in the world, who eat off of golden silverware, and yet I have been thrashed by the people. I feel like everything I have imagined that a missionary could experience while contacting has happened to me this week. Every single curse word I know of has been sworn at me, I have been screamed at...literally screamed at in front of hundreds of people for saying "we represent Jesus Christ." I have had a group of men follow me around saying nasty and vile things and to top it all off I got spit on! Yes, spit on. There was also a terrorist attack, several people were shot and killed in a cafe here. So scary, but I know I am protected through the name on my badge.  Along with this, I am in a whole new culture, a whole new place, and I know nobody. I am being so humbled. And I feel so alone.

...I am the Black Sheep...

Not in the sense of being rebellious but I am definitely disfavored by the people here, because of my beliefs. At times I feel like an outcast.
However, I am so so grateful for this!! I prayed to God my experience would be like this! Hard!! There have been nights where I have cried myself to sleep, and yet I'm so so grateful because it helps me to get a better understanding of what our savior must have felt like and experienced. Through hardship we become strong, we become strong through GODS GRACE
Gods Grace is being able to make it through a Sunday without falling asleep in a meeting after an exhausting week. Gods Grace is a member sending a photo to your parents. Gods grace comes in the form of a hug. Gods Grace is finding the 1/100 that will listen. Gods Grace is being told, "I am here my Beloved" when being spit on. Gods Grace is Jesus Christ! All I can simply say is, I Love Him! He is my Friend, my King, my Master, my Brother... He is with me walking the streets of Kensington, in failure and in success. He is always there. 
So through Gods Grace, I am getting by!!

I am about finished with the book "Jesus The Christ" by Talmage, and there was a chapter that really comforted me this week. It talked about how through the Son (Jesus Christ) Joy and Happiness can be found in any circumstance. ANY Circumstance!! Am I going to Wallow in my sorrows and sufferings, or am I going to get up and do something about? Am I going to Find Peace, Comfort, and Love through Jesus Christ, or am I going to sit in despair? I will and am Finding Peace, Comfort, and Love through Jesus Christ. Again, simply, I Love Him!! 

Im so grateful to be in such a beautiful place, and being able to learn and grow so much!! I hope you all know how much you mean to me! That's another thing I am learning, how lucky I am to have such amazing people in my life!! I really really miss you all so much, but God is so so Good!! I hope you are all happy, remember who you are and that you are never alone. Always turn to Christ in times of Hardship and you will be blessed. You can get through!! You will get through!! He is there for you, never forget that! Love you all my loves, until next week! 

As Grandma Joanie would say 

"Dink a Duice"

June 23 1918-August 11 2017

Love, Your Annabell        
 Hyde Park Vistors Center
 Beautiful Streets of London 
Wednesday, August 16, 2017


AUGUST 7, 2017
Good Day My Loves,
 I am absolutely in Love, everything is posh and beautiful! It feels surreal! 
     However, I simply can't find Mr. Rabbit... It's quite frustrating!   

My first day here in "WONDERLAND" we sang outside on the steps of the Visitors Center. There were hundreds of people walking by. Because of this, I really was touched by the words of what we were singing because so many people need to hear our message that was being sung... That Jesus Christ Loves them and wants them on his side! I had a little Miracle my first day as well. When I was having a hard time in the MTC (when I found out my VISA was delayed) I prayed to God and asked: "what more do I need to be doing?" When I got to the Visitor Center in London I was told that I was to learn Sign Language while I'm here!! I was so excited!! On my mission papers, out of 1-5 I put a 5 to learn a new language. So this made me so happy! Also, one of my teachers in the MTC knew Sign Language and had taught me a little bit! God truly has a plan for me!! 

"If you don't know where you are going, any road can take you there" - Cheshire Cat
So...Know where you are going!
"Then are ye in this Sraight and Narrow Path which leads to ETERNAL LIFE;"
2 Nephi 31:18

 London is a lot like NYC, however, there is more ethnicity and the architecture is 100 times prettier! I think that is my absolute favorite thing about London, The Wonderful Architecture! 
    Things just keep getting...
"Curiouser and Curiouser" - Alice
I absolutely adore my Mission President and his wife Sister Stevens (she was is in the General Primary Presidency)!! Sister Stevens is seriously one of the most amazing Women I have ever met! She is so genuine, sweet, beautiful, and just overall amazing!! I'm so lucky to have them. My companion is also so cool, she is from Korea and is just the cutest little thing! I'm such a lucky missionary! I live in the poshest little area in London, and my flat is so nice! The weather is what I have always dreamed to live in... A little overcast, a little rainy, and a bit nippy outside!! God truly has blessed me, and I feel that I don't deserve this! It makes me feel good though because obviously, I must be doing something right to be this blessed!!
*The Place I call Home*
The Proselyting is going well. We have handed out several Book of Mormons, and talked to quite a bit of people! I have already had some funny and kinda scary experiences, lol! In the last two days alone, I have already had two men come up to me and tell me that I was too beautiful to be a Mormon and that I was crazy and all sorts of negative about the Church. I kinda just chuckled to myself, because I know the truth and nothing anyone says will ever take away my love for Jesus Christ and for his Gospel! I am so proud to be representing my Savior!!

Sunday was amazing, I have been assigned to serve in the Britannia YSA ward! And it's cool because the chapel is right inside the Visitor Center!! I got up and gave my testimony. I talked about how I have been studying the places in the Bible and BOM where Christ Weeps. In 3rd Nephi 17, Christ comes to America. In this specific chapter he performed so many miracles and also prayed for the people; he also blesses the children! It's an amazing chapter, to say the least. After praying for the people Christ weeps, because he can feel the goodness and faith of the people. I shared a question that had been on my mind... "Am I living my life in a way that would make Christ so proud of me that he would actually weep?" I explained that this was one of the reasons I was out serving. I have a true desire to make my Savior proud. I want so badly become to be like him,  so one day I can run to him with open arms!! I love and adore my Savior with all my heart and I am grateful to be in such a beautiful place serving him!! 
Anyway Spit Spot, "it's about Tea Time" so I must go!! 

Hope you all have a Cheery attitude and are loving life, until next week loves, Cheerio...

- AnnaBell

Monday, August 7, 2017


AUGUST 4, 2017
August 1st had finally arrived! My bags were all packed and I was ready to be on my way to London! It was 5:30am Tuesday morning when I hauled my luggage down to board the bus for the airport, there I was told that I would not be leaving that day for London. They had NO Passport or Visa for me. I was crushed! I could not even stand the thought of one more day in the MTC!! Why was I just learning this now?? I drug my luggage back to an empty room of beds, no companions and just myself, being told I could be in the MTC for up to another 2 WEEKS!! 
 I turned to my Heavenly Father in prayer...
 It has been pretty hard but I have gotten through because of the grace that my Savior has for me!! It's funny how the Lord works, I was only meant to be here for an extra 3 days. But let me tell you He had a purpose behind THIS! So I got set into a new trio (I had two companions), and they both came to me telling me that they really struggled together. As I got to know them each I started to figure things out. I sat them down and told them that we needed to have a very open and honest conversation about our strengths, weaknesses, and things we were struggling with our COMPANIONS! They were not excited... But I told them that pride had to be put aside and that we needed to learn hard lessons like these to become better! 

We had a 2-hour conversation...
And it was amazing! Of course, there were a few tears but that was a good thing! Afterward, when we were done, I expressed the love that I had and God had for both of them, and even though they had such different personalities they were put together to learn from each other!  

When we were done, one of the girls came up to me and just started crying, I hugged her, and she said... 

"You have no idea how hard I have been praying for something like this to happen. I have been HERE for 3 weeks, and I have had no success in this companionship. I have struggled so much, and I seriously have almost gone home on two occasions! But you have helped be an answer to my PRAYERS!!!" 

It was amazing, I knew that my faith in God keeping me here for an extra little while had paid off, and I knew there was a purpose behind it! Yes I did struggle, yes I did have doubts,  but Gods grace got me through!

I also had another amazing experience!! I was in class, and one of my companions and I went out into the hall to discuss a question. When we went out We saw a big group of women. They were coming right to us...

I then realized it was my the MTC mission presidents wife, and several women from the General Presidencies, Sister Bingham PRESIDENT of the General Relief Society being one of them!! They came right up to us and we talked for a while and gave hugs, then they said 

"We are now investigators of the church, teach us a lesson and get us interested" 

My heart stopped... I knew Christ was at my side so I began! I talked about Jesus Christ and asked them questions like 'Who is Jesus to you?" or "What role does he play in your life?" The lesson went on for awhile! It was so amazing!!!!!!!! 

After I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that I just taught the GENERAL RELIEF SOCIETY PRESIDENT, and some of the sisters in the General Young Women's! I felt so blessed!

Anyway, I love you ALL so much and I wanted to share this with you. Thank you for all the prayers! They have truly paid off! London is Calling!


Tuesday, August 1, 2017


JULY 29,2017
Hello, my Lovelies...
I'm writing this Letter based on my specific spectacular qualities...
Now, the qualifications...
Item one: a cheery disposition. I am *never* cross.
Item two: rosy cheeks...obviously.
Item three: play games, all sorts. Well, I'm sure the children(investigators) will find my games *extremely* diverting. Just as I expected!
And this is not a pie crust promise, easily made, easily broken. 
That would be quite disturbing.
Now right to it!
First off... Has anyone seen my umbrella? Let me know Spit Spot if you find it!! The winds have changed and it's quite time I go! This week has been practically perfect in every way! But I suppose that is because "practically perfect people never permit nonsense to muddle their thinking".

Although I have been teaching the Children (investigators), I have learned quite a bit from them. I've learned to "Never judge things by their appearance... Even carpet bags. I'm sure I never do, 
This is so because WE ALL need one thing in common... 

A Spoon Full of Sugar 
   ...Jesus Christ...

Yes...It's true! But close your mouth we are not a codfish! I find that "A spoon full of Sugar" changes lives. I talked to a precocious young lady (Tess Chateau) from the Netherlands this week. She is seeking the JOY that "A Spoon Full of Sugar" brings. Miss Chateau stated that she was struggling a bit and that she wanted to come to know how "A Spoon Full of Sugar" worked. I first wanted to make something quite clear to Miss Chateau. That SHE WAS LOVED!! I explained to her how much "A Spoonful of Sugar" had changed my life as well as the children(investigators)in my care. We talked to her about FAITH. She stated that she has a hard time having a firm belief in things she can't see. Being the respectable person that I am, 
I gave her a few wise words of advice! 

"Miss Chateau No one is perfect!!" Everyone's Faith waivers, even those who have studied/taken "A Spoon Full of Sugar" their whole lives! I stated to Miss Chateau that no one on earth will ever have "perfect faith", but that there is one WAY that we can become "Practically Perfect!" And that is through "A Spoon Full of Sugar" (Jesus Christ). Miss Chateau asked, "how do you mean?" I told her that we must turn to a "Spoonful of Sugar" in all aspects of life and seek his guidance. She was amazed and so excited to learn more! I was rather Inclined to set up another skype appointment with her. And so it was done. 
We are to meet with her again Saturday afternoon. 

Through this experience (MTC) with the children, I have learned that "in every job that must be done there is an element of fun." You find the fun, and -SNAP- the jobs a game" Happiness is a Choice!! So Choose Happiness. 
Some of you might be wondering, "isn't she sacked?" Sacked? Certainly not.
"I am never sacked! I am Mary Poppins...Practically Perfect in every way!"

However, sometimes, though no fault of my own, I can't see past the end of my nose.
But I find that giving a bit of myself -seeing past the end of my nose- helps me along the way!

I am to Feed the Birds...
Early each day to the steps of Saint Paul's
The little old bird woman comes
In her own special way to the people, she calls
Come, buy my bags full of crumbs

Come feed the little birds, show them you care
And you'll be glad if you do
Their young ones are hungry
Their nests are so bare
All it takes is tuppence from you
Feed the birds, tuppence a bag,
Tuppence, tuppence, tuppence a bag
"Feed the birds," that's what she cries
While overhead, her birds fill the skies
All around the cathedral the saints and apostles
Look down as she sells her wares
Although you can't see it, you know they are smiling
Each time someone shows that he cares

though her words are simple and few
Listen, Listen, she's calling to you
"Feed the Birds, tuppence a bag
Tuppence, tuppence, tuppence a bag 
Once more, the winds are changing and it's time I said goodbye. 
I must go to "Feed the Birds" in London now, the Children are calling my name. 
They need "A Spoon Full of Sugar" to lighten their loads.
 My time here (MTC) learning and teaching have been Quite Satisfactory!
I'm off! Till next time dearies!
"Winds in the east, mist coming in,
Like somethin' is brewin' 
and bout to begin...
 Can't put me finger on what lies in store" 
But I have faith that "A Spoon Full of Sugar" 
will help me a more. 
Ta Ta, for now, my Loves,
- Mary Poppins (Annabell)
...Post Script...
Let "A SpoonFul of Sugar" take you Up to the Highest Height!!
*Off to London* 
Skype Missionary Work
Visitor Center Missionaries-Temple Square Trip
My favorite Roomies
Bedtime! XOXO

Saturday, July 22, 2017


JULY 22, 2017
Hello Loves... 
  On Monday morning this past week, I rolled out of bed barely alive, looking like I just wrestled an ally cat inside a dumpster... I got my towel and clothes ready and stumbled to the bathroom. I turned on the shower, still half awake and decided I needed to start waking up!! (Now, at this point be aware that there are about 10 other showers around me all filled with sisters who like me were all silent and half asleep) So of course I started to sing. And what came to mind... The lovely music from "The Sound of Music" LOL!! I started to sing... "How do you solve a problem like Maria..." As I was singing I noticed the girl in the shower next to me start to hum the melody, I got a little louder "How do you catch a cloud and pin it down..." Then another sister started to sing with me while the other hummed. I continued on... "How do you find a word that means Maariaaa..." Then all at once to my surprise I had about 5 other sisters singing along with me. We all continued on singing the song, and as we did more and more sisters joined till the whole bathroom was singing "The Sound of Music"!!!
 I was dying with laughter while we were all singing, it was so awesome and hilarious!!! That's what happens when you are doing your best to be happy and keep pushing forward I guess!!  You go CrAzy...LOL!  Something I said to my companions after that, was "at this point I either Laugh or Cry" And I much rather have a good time and Laugh!! Anyways, that made me happy, and helped me start the week off right! 
Sister Poulson, Sister Brown, Sister Neilson
    This week was filled with so many miracles! I am part of a pilot program, 1 of 3 in the entire world (everyone in this pilot program was chosen to be apart of it when the church was assigning mission calls) and because of this our training and experiences are different. I have been able to be teaching real investigators that come in to meet with missionaries here at the MTC. My companions and I have taught about 5 investigators. We have been meeting with one of them since the first week we were here. She is the best! She is from Columbia and is pregnant due in September. She had been meeting with the missionaries before she came to us so she knew a little bit about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We taught her about 5 times, and on the 6th time we met with her I decided to get some guts!! I asked her if she had faith in Jesus Christ, she said "YES" and I continued to explain to her that faith requires action and that in order for her to be granted the Gift of the Holy Ghost and be a representative of Jesus Christ and show that she loved him, she needed to be baptized. So... I asked. "Paula because of your faith in Jesus Christ, and the love you have for him, will you follow his example and be baptized?"... My heart was pounding so loud my companion sitting next to me could hear it!! She paused and waited. We sat in silence... "Yes, if that is what he wants me to do, then yes" I was shocked!! Every other investigator that I had asked to be baptized had bluntly said no! I was so excited for her and I might have come off a little creepy, but she knew it was because I was excited for her. I told her that her family and her little girl would be blessed for her faith and decision to be baptized. It really was a miracle!! 

    Times are good here!! I can't believe that I only have one week left though. I leave to London on Aug. 1st and I fly alone!! I was really bummed when I got my flight plans and found that I wouldn't be flying with my companions.  They are going to the London South mission, and I'm going to London Central, so we fly into different airports. It will be great though because I have a direct flight to London and my companions have to make a stop in Las Vegas... Suckers!! 

    Something that I have found is really hard about the MTC life is dealing with stress! Back home when I was stressed I would turn to my art or working out to relieve my stress, anger, and anxiety. Here that's not an option. You are on such a strict schedule that you don't have any time or resources to get your emotions and feelings out. The only time where I can let some of my stress out is during the tiny hour that we have to work out. And let me tell you, I go so hard during that one hour I have. I am so grateful for it! It's awesome because I have been able to stay in shape!! LOL! I was relieved when Sis. Salvasen (my teacher) told me that I could do my art when I got out into the field and that I would be given time to workout as well. I'm so excited!! 

    I hope you are all doing well, and continuing to stay positive and Pray. A quote that I really liked this week was "Humble yourselves before God, or God will find a way to Humble you!" We must remember to Humble ourselves before God. Meaning we must go to him in prayer and let him know what we have messed up on or what we are struggling with. Repentance!! We must repent, even for the little things. It makes such a difference in one's happiness. I have found that it also is a stress reliever to repent. God gives us peace when we are completely honest with him. One of my favorite scriptures (that I have shared so many times with our investigators) is found in Isaiah 1:18. 

"Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord:
though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be 
as white as snow; though they be red like crimson
they shall be like wool."     

    I love this scripture about repentance because it gives an artistic visual of what Christ does for us through the Atonement/Repentance. Scarlet (sin) and White (pure/clean) two completely different ends of the color spectrum, and yet Christ makes up the difference. He can completely change our beings... If we go to him in sorrow and repent! I love him, and I love the fact the ANYONE can be forgiven and have a change of heart/being (Scarlet to White)!
    I Love you all very much, remember who you represent! Continue to be like him, as Fierce as a Lion and as Soft as a Lamb. Continue to strive to become like him, and envision what it will be like to be with him and you will make it!! I wish I could give you all a big hug! 
 I must continue to enjoy "The Sound of Music" and press forward with faith in my SAVIOR, my MASTER, my KING OF KINGS, JESUS CHRIST. Again, "FAREWELL, GOODBYE, TO YOU AND YOU AND YOU...GOODBYE!" 
 I love you all more than words can express, even to the Moon and Back. 
Until next week... 
- Annabell