Wednesday, August 23, 2017


AUGUST 14, 2017
Morning my Loves, 

Not going to lie this week has been EXTREMELY hard...

I am amongst literally probably some of the wealthiest people in the world, who eat off of golden silverware, and yet I have been thrashed by the people. I feel like everything I have imagined that a missionary could experience while contacting has happened to me this week. Every single curse word I know of has been sworn at me, I have been screamed at...literally screamed at in front of hundreds of people for saying "we represent Jesus Christ." I have had a group of men follow me around saying nasty and vile things and to top it all off I got spit on! Yes, spit on. There was also a terrorist attack, several people were shot and killed in a cafe here. So scary, but I know I am protected through the name on my badge.  Along with this, I am in a whole new culture, a whole new place, and I know nobody. I am being so humbled. And I feel so alone.

...I am the Black Sheep...

Not in the sense of being rebellious but I am definitely disfavored by the people here, because of my beliefs. At times I feel like an outcast.
However, I am so so grateful for this!! I prayed to God my experience would be like this! Hard!! There have been nights where I have cried myself to sleep, and yet I'm so so grateful because it helps me to get a better understanding of what our savior must have felt like and experienced. Through hardship we become strong, we become strong through GODS GRACE
Gods Grace is being able to make it through a Sunday without falling asleep in a meeting after an exhausting week. Gods Grace is a member sending a photo to your parents. Gods grace comes in the form of a hug. Gods Grace is finding the 1/100 that will listen. Gods Grace is being told, "I am here my Beloved" when being spit on. Gods Grace is Jesus Christ! All I can simply say is, I Love Him! He is my Friend, my King, my Master, my Brother... He is with me walking the streets of Kensington, in failure and in success. He is always there. 
So through Gods Grace, I am getting by!!

I am about finished with the book "Jesus The Christ" by Talmage, and there was a chapter that really comforted me this week. It talked about how through the Son (Jesus Christ) Joy and Happiness can be found in any circumstance. ANY Circumstance!! Am I going to Wallow in my sorrows and sufferings, or am I going to get up and do something about? Am I going to Find Peace, Comfort, and Love through Jesus Christ, or am I going to sit in despair? I will and am Finding Peace, Comfort, and Love through Jesus Christ. Again, simply, I Love Him!! 

Im so grateful to be in such a beautiful place, and being able to learn and grow so much!! I hope you all know how much you mean to me! That's another thing I am learning, how lucky I am to have such amazing people in my life!! I really really miss you all so much, but God is so so Good!! I hope you are all happy, remember who you are and that you are never alone. Always turn to Christ in times of Hardship and you will be blessed. You can get through!! You will get through!! He is there for you, never forget that! Love you all my loves, until next week! 

As Grandma Joanie would say 

"Dink a Duice"

June 23 1918-August 11 2017

Love, Your Annabell        
 Hyde Park Vistors Center
 Beautiful Streets of London 

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