Tuesday, August 1, 2017


JULY 29,2017
Hello, my Lovelies...
I'm writing this Letter based on my specific spectacular qualities...
Now, the qualifications...
Item one: a cheery disposition. I am *never* cross.
Item two: rosy cheeks...obviously.
Item three: play games, all sorts. Well, I'm sure the children(investigators) will find my games *extremely* diverting. Just as I expected!
And this is not a pie crust promise, easily made, easily broken. 
That would be quite disturbing.
Now right to it!
First off... Has anyone seen my umbrella? Let me know Spit Spot if you find it!! The winds have changed and it's quite time I go! This week has been practically perfect in every way! But I suppose that is because "practically perfect people never permit nonsense to muddle their thinking".

Although I have been teaching the Children (investigators), I have learned quite a bit from them. I've learned to "Never judge things by their appearance... Even carpet bags. I'm sure I never do, 
This is so because WE ALL need one thing in common... 

A Spoon Full of Sugar 
   ...Jesus Christ...

Yes...It's true! But close your mouth we are not a codfish! I find that "A spoon full of Sugar" changes lives. I talked to a precocious young lady (Tess Chateau) from the Netherlands this week. She is seeking the JOY that "A Spoon Full of Sugar" brings. Miss Chateau stated that she was struggling a bit and that she wanted to come to know how "A Spoon Full of Sugar" worked. I first wanted to make something quite clear to Miss Chateau. That SHE WAS LOVED!! I explained to her how much "A Spoonful of Sugar" had changed my life as well as the children(investigators)in my care. We talked to her about FAITH. She stated that she has a hard time having a firm belief in things she can't see. Being the respectable person that I am, 
I gave her a few wise words of advice! 

"Miss Chateau No one is perfect!!" Everyone's Faith waivers, even those who have studied/taken "A Spoon Full of Sugar" their whole lives! I stated to Miss Chateau that no one on earth will ever have "perfect faith", but that there is one WAY that we can become "Practically Perfect!" And that is through "A Spoon Full of Sugar" (Jesus Christ). Miss Chateau asked, "how do you mean?" I told her that we must turn to a "Spoonful of Sugar" in all aspects of life and seek his guidance. She was amazed and so excited to learn more! I was rather Inclined to set up another skype appointment with her. And so it was done. 
We are to meet with her again Saturday afternoon. 

Through this experience (MTC) with the children, I have learned that "in every job that must be done there is an element of fun." You find the fun, and -SNAP- the jobs a game" Happiness is a Choice!! So Choose Happiness. 
Some of you might be wondering, "isn't she sacked?" Sacked? Certainly not.
"I am never sacked! I am Mary Poppins...Practically Perfect in every way!"

However, sometimes, though no fault of my own, I can't see past the end of my nose.
But I find that giving a bit of myself -seeing past the end of my nose- helps me along the way!

I am to Feed the Birds...
Early each day to the steps of Saint Paul's
The little old bird woman comes
In her own special way to the people, she calls
Come, buy my bags full of crumbs

Come feed the little birds, show them you care
And you'll be glad if you do
Their young ones are hungry
Their nests are so bare
All it takes is tuppence from you
Feed the birds, tuppence a bag,
Tuppence, tuppence, tuppence a bag
"Feed the birds," that's what she cries
While overhead, her birds fill the skies
All around the cathedral the saints and apostles
Look down as she sells her wares
Although you can't see it, you know they are smiling
Each time someone shows that he cares

though her words are simple and few
Listen, Listen, she's calling to you
"Feed the Birds, tuppence a bag
Tuppence, tuppence, tuppence a bag 
Once more, the winds are changing and it's time I said goodbye. 
I must go to "Feed the Birds" in London now, the Children are calling my name. 
They need "A Spoon Full of Sugar" to lighten their loads.
 My time here (MTC) learning and teaching have been Quite Satisfactory!
I'm off! Till next time dearies!
"Winds in the east, mist coming in,
Like somethin' is brewin' 
and bout to begin...
 Can't put me finger on what lies in store" 
But I have faith that "A Spoon Full of Sugar" 
will help me a more. 
Ta Ta, for now, my Loves,
- Mary Poppins (Annabell)
...Post Script...
Let "A SpoonFul of Sugar" take you Up to the Highest Height!!
*Off to London* 
Skype Missionary Work
Visitor Center Missionaries-Temple Square Trip
My favorite Roomies
Bedtime! XOXO

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