Saturday, July 22, 2017


JULY 22, 2017
Hello Loves... 
  On Monday morning this past week, I rolled out of bed barely alive, looking like I just wrestled an ally cat inside a dumpster... I got my towel and clothes ready and stumbled to the bathroom. I turned on the shower, still half awake and decided I needed to start waking up!! (Now, at this point be aware that there are about 10 other showers around me all filled with sisters who like me were all silent and half asleep) So of course I started to sing. And what came to mind... The lovely music from "The Sound of Music" LOL!! I started to sing... "How do you solve a problem like Maria..." As I was singing I noticed the girl in the shower next to me start to hum the melody, I got a little louder "How do you catch a cloud and pin it down..." Then another sister started to sing with me while the other hummed. I continued on... "How do you find a word that means Maariaaa..." Then all at once to my surprise I had about 5 other sisters singing along with me. We all continued on singing the song, and as we did more and more sisters joined till the whole bathroom was singing "The Sound of Music"!!!
 I was dying with laughter while we were all singing, it was so awesome and hilarious!!! That's what happens when you are doing your best to be happy and keep pushing forward I guess!!  You go CrAzy...LOL!  Something I said to my companions after that, was "at this point I either Laugh or Cry" And I much rather have a good time and Laugh!! Anyways, that made me happy, and helped me start the week off right! 
Sister Poulson, Sister Brown, Sister Neilson
    This week was filled with so many miracles! I am part of a pilot program, 1 of 3 in the entire world (everyone in this pilot program was chosen to be apart of it when the church was assigning mission calls) and because of this our training and experiences are different. I have been able to be teaching real investigators that come in to meet with missionaries here at the MTC. My companions and I have taught about 5 investigators. We have been meeting with one of them since the first week we were here. She is the best! She is from Columbia and is pregnant due in September. She had been meeting with the missionaries before she came to us so she knew a little bit about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We taught her about 5 times, and on the 6th time we met with her I decided to get some guts!! I asked her if she had faith in Jesus Christ, she said "YES" and I continued to explain to her that faith requires action and that in order for her to be granted the Gift of the Holy Ghost and be a representative of Jesus Christ and show that she loved him, she needed to be baptized. So... I asked. "Paula because of your faith in Jesus Christ, and the love you have for him, will you follow his example and be baptized?"... My heart was pounding so loud my companion sitting next to me could hear it!! She paused and waited. We sat in silence... "Yes, if that is what he wants me to do, then yes" I was shocked!! Every other investigator that I had asked to be baptized had bluntly said no! I was so excited for her and I might have come off a little creepy, but she knew it was because I was excited for her. I told her that her family and her little girl would be blessed for her faith and decision to be baptized. It really was a miracle!! 

    Times are good here!! I can't believe that I only have one week left though. I leave to London on Aug. 1st and I fly alone!! I was really bummed when I got my flight plans and found that I wouldn't be flying with my companions.  They are going to the London South mission, and I'm going to London Central, so we fly into different airports. It will be great though because I have a direct flight to London and my companions have to make a stop in Las Vegas... Suckers!! 

    Something that I have found is really hard about the MTC life is dealing with stress! Back home when I was stressed I would turn to my art or working out to relieve my stress, anger, and anxiety. Here that's not an option. You are on such a strict schedule that you don't have any time or resources to get your emotions and feelings out. The only time where I can let some of my stress out is during the tiny hour that we have to work out. And let me tell you, I go so hard during that one hour I have. I am so grateful for it! It's awesome because I have been able to stay in shape!! LOL! I was relieved when Sis. Salvasen (my teacher) told me that I could do my art when I got out into the field and that I would be given time to workout as well. I'm so excited!! 

    I hope you are all doing well, and continuing to stay positive and Pray. A quote that I really liked this week was "Humble yourselves before God, or God will find a way to Humble you!" We must remember to Humble ourselves before God. Meaning we must go to him in prayer and let him know what we have messed up on or what we are struggling with. Repentance!! We must repent, even for the little things. It makes such a difference in one's happiness. I have found that it also is a stress reliever to repent. God gives us peace when we are completely honest with him. One of my favorite scriptures (that I have shared so many times with our investigators) is found in Isaiah 1:18. 

"Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord:
though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be 
as white as snow; though they be red like crimson
they shall be like wool."     

    I love this scripture about repentance because it gives an artistic visual of what Christ does for us through the Atonement/Repentance. Scarlet (sin) and White (pure/clean) two completely different ends of the color spectrum, and yet Christ makes up the difference. He can completely change our beings... If we go to him in sorrow and repent! I love him, and I love the fact the ANYONE can be forgiven and have a change of heart/being (Scarlet to White)!
    I Love you all very much, remember who you represent! Continue to be like him, as Fierce as a Lion and as Soft as a Lamb. Continue to strive to become like him, and envision what it will be like to be with him and you will make it!! I wish I could give you all a big hug! 
 I must continue to enjoy "The Sound of Music" and press forward with faith in my SAVIOR, my MASTER, my KING OF KINGS, JESUS CHRIST. Again, "FAREWELL, GOODBYE, TO YOU AND YOU AND YOU...GOODBYE!" 
 I love you all more than words can express, even to the Moon and Back. 
Until next week... 
- Annabell

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