Wednesday, August 16, 2017


AUGUST 7, 2017
Good Day My Loves,
 I am absolutely in Love, everything is posh and beautiful! It feels surreal! 
     However, I simply can't find Mr. Rabbit... It's quite frustrating!   

My first day here in "WONDERLAND" we sang outside on the steps of the Visitors Center. There were hundreds of people walking by. Because of this, I really was touched by the words of what we were singing because so many people need to hear our message that was being sung... That Jesus Christ Loves them and wants them on his side! I had a little Miracle my first day as well. When I was having a hard time in the MTC (when I found out my VISA was delayed) I prayed to God and asked: "what more do I need to be doing?" When I got to the Visitor Center in London I was told that I was to learn Sign Language while I'm here!! I was so excited!! On my mission papers, out of 1-5 I put a 5 to learn a new language. So this made me so happy! Also, one of my teachers in the MTC knew Sign Language and had taught me a little bit! God truly has a plan for me!! 

"If you don't know where you are going, any road can take you there" - Cheshire Cat
So...Know where you are going!
"Then are ye in this Sraight and Narrow Path which leads to ETERNAL LIFE;"
2 Nephi 31:18

 London is a lot like NYC, however, there is more ethnicity and the architecture is 100 times prettier! I think that is my absolute favorite thing about London, The Wonderful Architecture! 
    Things just keep getting...
"Curiouser and Curiouser" - Alice
I absolutely adore my Mission President and his wife Sister Stevens (she was is in the General Primary Presidency)!! Sister Stevens is seriously one of the most amazing Women I have ever met! She is so genuine, sweet, beautiful, and just overall amazing!! I'm so lucky to have them. My companion is also so cool, she is from Korea and is just the cutest little thing! I'm such a lucky missionary! I live in the poshest little area in London, and my flat is so nice! The weather is what I have always dreamed to live in... A little overcast, a little rainy, and a bit nippy outside!! God truly has blessed me, and I feel that I don't deserve this! It makes me feel good though because obviously, I must be doing something right to be this blessed!!
*The Place I call Home*
The Proselyting is going well. We have handed out several Book of Mormons, and talked to quite a bit of people! I have already had some funny and kinda scary experiences, lol! In the last two days alone, I have already had two men come up to me and tell me that I was too beautiful to be a Mormon and that I was crazy and all sorts of negative about the Church. I kinda just chuckled to myself, because I know the truth and nothing anyone says will ever take away my love for Jesus Christ and for his Gospel! I am so proud to be representing my Savior!!

Sunday was amazing, I have been assigned to serve in the Britannia YSA ward! And it's cool because the chapel is right inside the Visitor Center!! I got up and gave my testimony. I talked about how I have been studying the places in the Bible and BOM where Christ Weeps. In 3rd Nephi 17, Christ comes to America. In this specific chapter he performed so many miracles and also prayed for the people; he also blesses the children! It's an amazing chapter, to say the least. After praying for the people Christ weeps, because he can feel the goodness and faith of the people. I shared a question that had been on my mind... "Am I living my life in a way that would make Christ so proud of me that he would actually weep?" I explained that this was one of the reasons I was out serving. I have a true desire to make my Savior proud. I want so badly become to be like him,  so one day I can run to him with open arms!! I love and adore my Savior with all my heart and I am grateful to be in such a beautiful place serving him!! 
Anyway Spit Spot, "it's about Tea Time" so I must go!! 

Hope you all have a Cheery attitude and are loving life, until next week loves, Cheerio...

- AnnaBell

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