Sunday, July 9, 2017


JULY 8, 2017 -First Email
      Family, first off "I'm not in Highland anymore" lol, I'm in the Provo MTC! Although it's only like 30 mins away from home, I feel just like Dorthy. As if I just fell right out of the sky and landed into a whole new world. And like Dorthy, I'm overwhelmed to be in a new place, but this new place is amazing, magical, and there is so much to learn! There are new creatures (people working here), potions (scriptures), and spells (prayers) that I am trying to learn about and master!
This Land of OZ is truly, MAGICAL!! 
I hope you all are doing so well and that you are HAPPY! I want you to know how much I love you all, and even though it has only been 4 days I miss you so much!! I am absolutely loving the MTC!!! I don't know why so many people told me it would be awful, because I am not lying, I really love it! The days are extremely busy and tiring, but that's why I am here.  I am here for things to be hard so that I can become a better person and the best Annie that my Father in Heaven would have me to be. 
I Love my companions. Yes, companion's... I am in a trio, but it is amazing!! Sis. Nielson and Sis. Poulson. Both from Utah, both going to London England Temple Visitor Center, so I was kinda just thrown in their mix, because they will be together their entire mission. Sis. Nielson and I connected from the beginning. We have similar personalities and we both want to have a really good time. It's funny too because we both kid around with each other so much and we both played sports in High School. Sis. Poulson is awesome too! Working with both of them the last couple of days has been fun, new, and on a few accounts frustrating. We are all so so passionate just in really different ways. In fact, we were teaching an Investigator the other day, and after wards our trainer (Sis. Salvasen) came up to us and said that exact thing. That we all were "go-getters", but had different approaches. She said that she was amazed at how we had done together, and that we had been like Peter, James, and John. 
That same day (yesterday) was really humbling. I have already learned so much about myself its crazy. We have taught about 6-7 investigators already and I am beginning to learn my strengths and my weaknesses. I like to take lead and kind of direct where the lesson is going, but I am learning that sometimes I just need to sit back and let my companions go at it. Our trainer on that same day (yesterday, and she is seriously amazing, she is 25 yrs old) came up to us and introduced the "power". Because we are in a trio she brought up Peter, James, and John again, and told us that there always needs to be one companion who has the "power". In Peter, James, and Johns case it was Peter. The companion who has the power lets the other two ask questions about the investigator to get to know them and learn what they are about and believe in. The companion with the "power" is to focus on the investigator and read how they are feeling, emotions, and body language. They listen and observe what is being said and if the spirit is present. And if they would like, they can completely head another course with the lesson if they feel that the spirit isn't present. My trainer and companions said I should be the one to take the power. I was SHOCKED and so nervous. I felt so much riding on me, because I was pretty much the one to be in charge of making sure that the investigator is learning and that the spirit was present. And let me tell you, without the Spirit in a lesson... you get nowhere. 

After that we went about the day. That night though, was one of the most powerful moments of my life. We went to teach an Investigator Ivan, a 22 year old college student, who was referred to us by his mom who is LDS. That night I really tried to humble myself and know that I am but a vessel in the Lord's hands (that's another thing I am learning about myself, I always need to be humble!!) So that's how I went into the lesson, with love for my Savior and being but a vessel. And like I said it payed off. My companions and I taught, while our two other roommates (Sis. Withers and Sis. Shume) observed. And btw I love them so much!!

 Anyway, We started out by getting to know Ivan and introducing ourselves (the 3 of us). Ivan is a 22 year old construction worker. He really hates his job, he said that the previous job he loved, but that he was fired. One of my companions questioned as to why, he said that he was fired because of an addiction to Heroine! Which really shocked all three of us. Both of my companions turned to me just puzzled, and in my mind I said, "Father please help me to show this man your Love".  Ivan further stated that his mom is LDS, and that he left the home before she became a convert. I asked him if he believed in a God and if he had a relationship with him? He said firmly NO. He didn't believe there was a loving God because God wouldn't put him through so much pain and give him such a hard life. Again both my companions turned to me, I turned to Ivan and tried my very best to invite the spirit and connect to him and let him feel loved. I talked about how each one of God's children comes down to earth with trials, hardships, and tragedies, and how he gives us these hardships to become better. I told him that there was a time in my life where I had similar questions as he did. I told him that I watched my Sister sit in a hospital bed for months and months fighting to simply stay alive. I told him that I questioned god just as he did, and wondered if he was even a loving God, I said "God why would you do this to my Sister, are you even there, do you even love us?" and that I had hardened my heart towards him. Then came the good part... I explained to him that I was simply done. Done with everything. "I didn't know what else to do but pray and ask and pled to my Father in Heaven and just be there for my Sister. Things got a little easier with Christ at my side, through prayer,  and as I prayed to Heavenly Father I started to have faith in him. And once that faith grew and grew, I felt his love so strongly, and I knew he was there. I was the one who needed to change, I needed to view things differently and be open to letting him in"
 During this moment I didn't know what was going on around me, I didn't notice sounds or movements that were going on, I simply let things flow from my mouth out to Ivan. After that portion was done , I asked him if he would pray and ask God if he would show his love unto him. I explained that he had to go to him with an open heart and be willing to receive an answer. He asked,"how do I know if i get an answer, what am I looking for or looking to feel?" I explained that "we receive God's love and answers through the Holy Ghost. In our Church we believe in three separate beings, God (also called Heavenly Father), Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost. And for me personally I feel the Holy Ghost by getting a really warm feeling inside, and I cry. For you and everyone else it can be different. God shows his love to each one of his children differently. Ivan I promise you that if you ask God if he is there and if he loves you, you will receive an answer and it might not come as fast as you want or the way you want but it will come." That's where I ended. My companions then bore their testimonies, and at the moment I realized that I had taken up the entire lesson. And I felt bad about it. Afterwards though, each one of my companions and roommates told me that they had never felt the spirit so strongly and that what I was saying was amazing. I was really surprised because what I was saying was just me relating to him. However, I knew that we had invited the spirit because I felt it so strongly, probably one of the strongest spiritual experiences I Have ever had!! 
I know that I still have a TON to learn and that I need to work harder!! Enough is never enough here in the MTC, and that's one thing I love about this gospel, there is no end. You always need to keep striving to be better, until eventually we become perfect like our Savior! Which is a long long way for me, LOL! I know that although I am imperfect, I can find perfection in my HF and Savior. They are perfect in all ways, so I can count on them in everything. I hope I am making them proud and happy! I want to keep working harder and harder, because I know the harder I work the better I become. I have been trying to take every opportunity to its advantage. I have been waking up at 5 in the morning to work out, and eating healthy.  The food here is pretty gross and greasy, but luckily they have Oatmeal and a salad/wrap bar everyday. So yes, of course, Salad every day. And I love it because you can put what ever you want on it!! Again I'm am trying to become a better daughter of God, and become who he would have me to be. I am working my very hardest and will continue to do so, because I know within just a tap of my ruby red slippers I will be home.

Wow... this is really Long, LOL!!!! I hope you are all doing well, and remember to be happy and have Fun!! That's what I am doing for sure. I love you all so much, you are all in my prayers every night. I love you all very very much, and miss you Tons!!

I Love you all, even to the MOON AND BACK!!
 - Annabell 

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